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Are you a true tech believer?

Scott Kirsner has an amusing quiz in the Boston Globe today (gone tomorrow) that will tell you if you are a “true believer,” i.e., a computechnologist who was in before the Net, or would have been had you been born in time. Here’s the first question, as a sample:

You know the name of the first computer software company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange, in 1982. It was eventually acquired by Computer Associates in 1989. (Two points.)

I did very badly on this quiz, even when I gave myself credit for answers I knew I knew but couldn’t quite recall.

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2 Responses to “Are you a true tech believer?”

  1. Hmm. I scored about 22 points, +-2.

    but then, I have dropped a stack of punch cards four hours before a homework deadline.

  2. This quiz mostly involves stock market transactions and meeting (or being) certain people. Hardly an indication of being a ‘true believer’.

    p.s. I was always careful to bundle my punch cards with an elastic, and never lost a deck to a windy day or even an errant fan. True believers didn’t lose their cards, especially after punching them one at a time.

    p.p.s. -1 to Kirsner for getting Slashdot’s motto wrong. Proper version: “News for nerds. Stuff that matters.”

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