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Snow Pix

Can you find the car?

Snowy car

Does this help??

Snowy car

Can you find the candidate?

Snowy Dean sign

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13 Responses to “Snow Pix”

  1. hello!;) I’m from Poland and I’m not learn Anglish, and I often make mistakes (or nistake, I don’t know). Maybe you visit my blog?:) I hope, you say YES:):) Hmmm… Goodbye!
    Marta from Poland

  2. David,

    If memory serves me correctly — I’ve lived in Florida for over 30 years now — I think that is called “winter wonderland.”

    Sometimes I miss it. But admit to enjoying picking fresh tangerines off the tree this morning.

  3. You would be wise to look into tire chains.

  4. WOW that is a TON of snow! Amazing. I am in TX and we have never had snow like that.. Keep posting some pictures, I would like to see more..

    Cheers from a net user who just stumbled accross you..


  5. oops

  6. I have snow-envy!! It’s not fair, we never get snow.

    Well, I say ‘never’ – sometimes we get a whole two or three flakes and that’s usually enough to shut down the entire rail network country-wide. Heaven forfend that we actually get any real snow…

  7. Boston Travel Postponed

    I had planned to visit Boston this week — I had meeting scheduled with a number of vendors and a ‘Salon-on-Wheels’ scheduled with a bunch of friends there — but the recent storm has derailed those plans. (Photo courtesy of…

  8. big thanx!!!

  9. I would have to agree with everyone that it a massive amount of snow! I love the picture of the candidate . . . makes me feel all special inside!

    Anyhow . . . hope you can unearth your car one of these weeks!

  10. Thanks For the Memories

    While I’m talking about David Weinberger behind his back, I owe him a thank-you for the wonderful photos of the aftereffects of the New England blizzard. Despite Chicago’s reputation for cold and snow — and despite the historic Decemb…

  11. it’s our snow. we were supposed to get it. it’s not fair that it bypassed us. give it back.

  12. Sure, Trevor. Feel free to come by and pick it up.

  13. Very nice pictures!!!
    See also my snowy pics in Cineto Romano (Rome) ITALY


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