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Kids Play the Darndest Things!

Electronic Gaming Monthly runs transcripts of encounters between classic video games (think Pong) and modern 10-12 year olds. Very funny and just a little disturbing. (Thanks to Rick Klau for the link.)

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5 Responses to “Kids Play the Darndest Things!”

  1. Som min far pleier å si

    “Vi var fornøyd med så lite før i tida.” Dagens barn møter 70- og 80-tallets dataspill og uttaler seg blasert/knusende

  2. I didn’t know that 12 year olds had the phrase “unfashionably gay” in their vocabs. heh.

  3. When videogames were still all about dots and lines

    I just started reading the fun article, Child’s Play, which documents comments from kids today given the chance to play the videogames of my day

  4. Compare this with Sherry Turkle’s transcripts in “The Second Self” (20 years ago) of kids trying to decide whether the game Merlin was alive…actually a thoughtful discussion on what it means to be alive.

    It’s real kid metaphysics as opposed to the current jaded, semi-snotty kid critiques. Makes it hard to see what’s happened with kids and machines in the last generation as progress.

  5. “Unfashionable Gay” that struck a bell in my head as well. Perhaps things are a bit different where they did the article but I know my 12 year old brother would not be caught dead saying something like that.

    Oh well . . . that is demographics for ya!

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