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I love Jay Allen

His Movable Type plugin found and removed 457 comment spams in my past 1,000 posts. It’s free, it’s easy, it’s nice lookin’. Gotta love that ol’ Web.

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4 Responses to “I love Jay Allen”

  1. Holy crap, man! That’s a record. The spammers LOVE you…

  2. Jay, thank you for that plug-in. I appreciate your generosity.

  3. I guess we will all have to start working to sound more human in our comment postings. I say this because I recently got major flamed (they wrote my Mom too!) because the blogger thought my post was ‘comment spam’.

    Got any suggestions for those of us hoping to avoid the filter and join the dialog?

  4. Yeah. Don’t post links to porn sites in people’s comments and you probably will never end up with a rejection…

    The experience you relate obviously had nothing to do with MT-Blacklist…

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