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Fantasy Veepstakes

Pretend for the moment that Howard Dean wins the nomination. Who would be his most interesting choice for running mate? (Note: Reality need not impinge on this decision, although we should perhaps limit ourselves to living, non-fictitious human American citizens.)

John McCain? He’s a straight talkin’ kinda guy and he’s got the military hero vote sewn up.

Ross Perot? He’s a straight-talkin’ kinda guy and he’s got the vague and confused vote sewn up. Also, he’s shorter than Dean.

Al Franken? I’ve been reading Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them and he’s got my vote.

Martin Sheen? Best arrest record in America.

Oprah? Not just name recognition but single name recognition.

And my number one choice for Dean’s Fantasy VP:

Natalie Maines. She’s Dixie. She’s a Chick. What more could you want in a VP?

Separate thread: Which blogger would make the best VP?

Doc Searls? Elections are conversations, dude.

Chris Locke? He’s already mastered the “hiding in an undisclosed location” bit.

DBetsy Devine? She writes her own material, she wants to be PHP when she grows up, and “Dean and Devine” makes a hell of a bumpersticker.

Misbehaving? Why have just one VP when you can make history?

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9 Responses to “Fantasy Veepstakes”

  1. I so want to see a debate between Vice-President Dick Cheney and Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee Wesley Clark. Oh please please please.

  2. Just to get this out in the open first: I worry that Dean won’t have enough appeal to moderate voters who don’t literally hate George Bush. I think Clark might have that appeal. If his campaign ever gets off the ground.

    Who would make the best Dean VP runningmate? I, though I love Al Franken, say Clark. Because his presence would actually help the ticket. Even if he wouldn’t be as funny.

  3. I think Clark has too many ties to the military and elitist interests that have always controlled politics in this country. I don’t see Wesley Clark taking a strong stance against things like the Patriot Act for example, and other oppressive measures that seem to continue getting snuck into legislation regardless of who is in the office.

    I like Al Franken, but his reputation would probably cost Dean the ticket. My fantasy person doesn’t exist, but the closest person who would represent my no non-sense political interests and have a chance of galvanizing the populace into a democratic victory would be Jesse Ventura.

    All of this of course hinges on whether we actually have a democratic election or a fixed one courtesy of corrupt e-voting machines.

  4. Putting aside political realities, I keep wondering if the endorsement of Jesse Jackson Jr. wasn’t partially an attempt to position himself onto the possible VP list.

  5. I can’t help fearing that Clark is not a real Democrat…so, maybe Lieberman would be his best running mate.

    As for Dr. Dean’s running mate…if Martin Sheen is too busy…how about Molly Ivins? She could show Joe Lieberman what a VP’s job is during a political campaign. She also is quite experienced in getting under shrub’s skin.

  6. Dear David, I am awed by your endorsement–tho I plan to run as “Betsy” rather than “Detsy.” If elected, I will require war profiteers to wear silly clown noses until they return their loot. After Dean and I serve two full terms, I will of course run for President myself–it can hardly escape your notice that Devine and Weinberger sounds pretty darn good.

  7. Detsy: Please notice that I’ve corrected the typo in your name. I’m bo borry!

  8. Aw, no need to adologize, Bavid.

    BTW, I just blogged about your kind nomination–tho for some reason it didn’t ping your trackback.

  9. No matter who wins the primary, my money is on Bill Richardson. He’s a great choice, and could lock up NM as well as putting AZ and maybe NC and FL in play.

    I still think the best Dem ticket is Clark/Dean, but you didn’t ask about that.

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