Democracy vs. Postage: You be the judge
Posted on:: November 2nd, 2003
Click on this preview to see the Richmond, Virginia absentee ballot in all its glory.
Categories: Uncategorized dw
Click on this preview to see the Richmond, Virginia absentee ballot in all its glory.
Categories: Uncategorized dw
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This variable is then used in various lines of code, holding values given it by variable assignments along the way. In the course of its life, a variable can hold any number of variables and be used in any number of different ways. This flexibility is built on the precept we just learned: a variable is really just a block of bits, and those bits can hold whatever data the program needs to remember. They can hold enough data to remember an integer from as low as -2,147,483,647 up to 2,147,483,647 (one less than plus or minus 2^31). They can remember one character of writing. They can keep a decimal number with a huge amount of precision and a giant range. They can hold a time accurate to the second in a range of centuries. A few bits is not to be scoffed at.
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