My morning D’oh slap
The Mac’s character palette has been driving me crazy. I poke around it vainly looking for the accented character or superscripted punctuation mark that I need at the moment, but it’s all symbols, no labels, which might strike Apple as appropriate but strikes me as maddening since as time goes on I understand fewer and fewer of the new symbols. Amirite, , Yellow Face Puking Up a Heart It Just Ate ?
Well, it turns out that there’s been a bug in my palette so that it has displayed itself like this:
It turns out that if I scroll all the way to the tippy-top, a magic icon comes into view:
And if I click on that, I get this:
I say this is a bug because I cannot now get the window to go back to the state in which it has been since an OS X upgrade or two ago. So perhaps I and the cause of this anomaly should be D’oh-slapping each other.