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[POPTECH] Second Industrial Rev

Alan Goldstein is a biomaterials engineer. He says he’s going to convince us that xenobiology is an oxymoron, he says. Biology will not get out of the 21st century alive, he says. (He hasn’t explained what xenobiology is. It’s got something to do with alien life forms. Here’s the wikipedia on it.)

I’m not actually understanding much of this. The main points seems to be that the life we find or make (not sure which) will not be carbon based and that we should be worried about unrestrained scientific adventurism in this (which?) field. Ah, at the end he says:”The take home message? Nanotechnology trumps biotechnology.”


A questioner asks what the problem is. Alan says that the question is whether bioengineering ought to go ahead as it is with no questions being asked.

Allow me to give myself a big fat D’oh! When I first posted this, I thought the speaker was Michael Braungart because that was the name in the schedule. But Braungart had to cancel, and Goldstein subbed for him. (Thanks to Jessie Scanlon for the correction.)

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2 Responses to “[POPTECH] Second Industrial Rev”

  1. Joho the scribe

    David Weinberger is blogging the PopTech conference and doing a mighty fine job of it. (I’ve linked to one arbitrary post but he is cranking them out as he goes.) [POPTECH] Second Industrial Rev … Michael Braungart is a biomaterials engineer. … Bio…

  2. This code should compile and run just fine, and you should see no changes in how the program works. So why did we do all of that?

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