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[POPTECH] NanoTech

Christine Peterson is being very funny and knowing about nanotech. She begins by reacting against the excessive informationalism of the previous speakers: “Atoms are cool too.” Right on.

Nanotech, she says, has not been overhyped. It can change our relationship to matter. Nano, she says, is about changing the structure not just of nanos but for objects of any size.

Why focus on machines, she asks, instead of on electronics or sensors? Because it’s “machines that can make all the others better.”

She wants to see the issues — pro and con — discussed seriously in public. The “short attention bozos” get all excited but then they lose interest and the real discussion can begin. (Hey, I’m one of them bozos!) We need, she says, to fight bad patents, balance protecting investments and encouraging openness, defend the public domain (Lessig is sitting on stage, the next to speak). What is the safest country to develop this potentially dangerous technology? How do you prevent abuse? She suggests that it’s probably cooperative development and stable institutions.

She recommmends and The guy next to me points to Utility Fog. Christine suggests a possible future: You have one object in your house and it changes into the various objects you need.

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6 Responses to “[POPTECH] NanoTech”

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  6. Throw Him out? How visious are the Republicans!

    Senator Tim Johnson has been struck with an illness. History in recent year has members of Congress remaining in office. One even though never attending a meeting after the illness.

    Why attack a disabled recovering Congressman, looks like because he is a Democrat! Just identifies hoe ruthless the Republicans have become at all levels of Government.

    From my opinion and dealings, anything goes!

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