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RageBoy’s hour of need

RageBoy is broke, as in shut-down-the-phone, sell-your-laptop, no-more-meds broke. It’s no joke.

If you want to help, buy some RB stuff (thanks to Gary Turner.) RB gets about 75% of the cost of the items you guy. So far, items available include:

2004 Calendar

Men’s T-Shirt

Women’s T-Shirt

The Classic RageBoy Commemorative Thong

Or, if you prefer to donate more directly, Euan has set up a PayPal account via a link on his homepage.

These are short-term fixes. Long term, has it escaped the world’s notice that not only is RB a fabulous writer of manic screeds, he is also a superb Web designer who can help give voice to what’s interesting about your company?

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One Response to “RageBoy’s hour of need”

  1. RageBoy needs money!

    (SOURCE: Joho the Blog: RageBoy’s hour of need )- Going to help RB out somehow with my limited funds.

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