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Jock Gill at Greater Democracy raises that pesky problem: Once our e-campaigning has won the e-lection, how can we use the connectedness of the Net to e-govern ourselves e-better?

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3 Responses to “E-governing”

  1. e-Gov and Emergent Democracy

    Dave Weinberger links to Jock Gill talking about the future of e-gov and participatory democracy. Dave sums up the important questions this way: Once our e-campaigning has won the e-lection, how can we use the connectedness of the Net to…

  2. E-xploring our new e-nvironment and making e-decisions which were not e-possible before the Net e-government came into e-xistence ?

  3. I often think of the novel Interface, by Stephen Bury (Neal Stephenson and his uncle): a presidential candidate who suffers a stroke has surgery that allows him to access real-time polling data via an implant in his brain. I sometimes imagine our current president as being run by a PlayStation game controller. It would explain a lot. Greater vigilance on the part of the citizenry seems to call forth more sophisticated efforts to hoodwink us. (Note: haven’t had coffee yet, hence cynical).

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