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XP Hacks

I’m greatly enjoying Windows XP Hacks by Preston Gralla (from O’Reilly). There are at least double that number of hints and tips. These are mainly ones I’d never heard of. And to think all these years I never knew about the Group Policy Editor! (Type gpedit.msc into the Run menu.)

Note: “Get a Mac” does not count as an XP hack.

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218 Responses to “XP Hacks”

  1. great site:

    how do i overclock my processor to attain greater virtual processing speed?

  2. i tryed downloading stuff i need admin permission to complete the download

  3. Hi when i use net user in cmd at school it only
    shows me the users on the computer not the network, I know we have more then 4 users. Please help!

  4. Dear All,

    How to hack network administrator password? I want to set as a domain member.


  5. Hey, I really like the idea of all these hacks, registry edits and such. But what I am saying is i can help most of your computer diffuculties. Thanx, EMAIL Me for help and crap. [email protected].

  6. anyone that wants to figure out the admin pass go to this site

  7. Hi!
    My motherboard died and I need to save my business files, or my boss will make sure I die too :)
    I have connected the Dik as a Slave in another PC, but I cannot access the My Documents folder due to the Windows’ Administrator Password I used to have on the old PC.
    How can I unlock the folder?
    Please, save a life! (My boss is currently looking at a shotguns’ advertisement)
    Thank you in advance,

  8. for every one on a limited account and want to know how to change your password (or some one elses) then open the command prompt, (start, run, cmd) type:net user
    then select the user name and type: net user (user name-case sensitive) *
    now hit enter and follow the onscreen instructions!!

  9. i am aware of the net view (see comps in my network) but when i type shutdown -i \\comp name it just says access denied
    Failed: \\comp name

    any suggestions?

  10. How hack Xp Boot Screen

  11. Ok I screwed my school computers at the moment and all my friends love me, Screwed the admin pass and all and they don’t know a thing and the best thing is I used it on a teachers account and there password was password -.- Anyhow our school charges us MB on our internet and if it reaches 00.0 our internet service stops on our user. Does anyone know how to add anymore credit or can lead me in the right direction? Also our school charges us 10cents per a sheet of paper to print yes my school is stupid and I was also wondering if people can help me hack that also? Please keep in contact with me. King regards happytodd

  12. -open notepad and write down the following
    shutdown -r -t 00
    -Now save the file as restart.bat and put in start up folder which is hidden in administrator and guest user of documents and settings in c drive. remember to make rastart.bat file reboot computer and it will do the same for the rest. don’t check it out in ur own computer.

  13. hay guys just wanted to know how to hack a computer e.g hacking someones computer and taking control of their computer and like uninstalling shit of their computer plz plz plz plz help me
    or if their is any programs out their that can help me
    i have tried and tried but couldnt find n e thing:(
    so plz help thanks

    and my email is
    [email protected]

  14. Hey, ok now just to end all the newbies’ questions for hacking local administrative passwords.


    I developed my way when i experienced that changing an administrator password was easy. I’m going to explain to you, how to get the already set password for any LOCAL account (local means the computer your sitting on, not network, not domain, not LAN but LOCAL. I need help on getting Domain passwords too but here is my way: –

    1. Download a Linux Distro. A Linux Distro is a small distribution of a compact and purpose built OS. they are small and can be used without setup. Download one with a bootable cd. I use Austrumi but Slax is great too. Now, to burn a Distro on a cd, you need to have a special software to burn ISOs. I use ISO burner but Nero works too. COPY AND PASTE DOESN’T WORK. Burn the distro. If your school is like mine and doesn’t keep CD-ROMs on purpose then do what i did, boot from a USB Pen Drive. In Austrumi, I select an option to write it to pen drive, you can even extract the ISO file onto the pendrive, use a special extracting software for that. Other-wise use floppys from

    2. Boot the computer with the Distro. For those of you who are using Austrumi, Type “al lang_en” at the first screen without the quotes. this will load it in engish.

    3. Explore the Hard Disk (FOR WINDOWS XP) to C:\WINDOWS\system32\config. To explore it the HD use a filemanager. Any File Manager works, but i use Distros. For people using Austrumi, the default file manager is the Big Grey “E” on the top of the screen. Go to /mnt and select the partition where the windows is installed. in C:\WINDOWS\system32\config, there will be two files for you to steal, (Copy them, don’t move em.) The files are SYSTEM and SAM. Copy them to your user’s desktop or your pendrive.

    4. Download LCP, it’s a password auditing tool for extracting passwords but it doesn’t work on limited users. download LCP (google for it, i’m not your mother) and click the import tab on the top (in the line where File, Edit, View usually is), import from SAM file and select the SYSTEM file. this will import the users from the file and the hash codes. Google on what hashes are, XP uses NTLM hashes, NT and LM hashes will be displayed.

    5. Either Audit the passwords through LCP or upload the hashes to a online DATABASE that has Rainbow tables (google for what rainbow tables are). i’m not telling which database i use because it has a limit of 10 passwords to the public per day and i intend for them to be kept open. rainbow your own tables or download the 80GB tables.

    6. Crack the password and there you are, i have otger ways too vbut im tooooo lazy to type them.

    NOW that i have revealed my long but very very giid method, could someone tell me how to extract hashes from the domain server? i havent tried Ideal Administration on my new school’s domain. IA lets you control comps, including servers, it was meant for admins but i have the admins passwords so i can remote computers.

    PLEASE EMAIL ME AT [email protected]. Don’t ask me how to hack because:

    a. I’m not telling

    b. I’m 15 and it’s against your pride to ask a kid ;-)

  15. Ok Your all Dumb First Off all of YOU k
    If you honestly want A ADMIN account i have the anwser but im not throwing away my answer to you peeps because you people just want it handed to you same with accessing restricted url like fin runescape which is dumb if you do research like me ull find out how to bypass restricted sites change passwords and get them undetected and freeze hotmail account hack them and such ok do some research ok theres no easy ticket you wanna hack real hacking learn c++ and python ok or play around with cmd ok ping www. and enter the ip address you people are lazy do some research god google it its not hard and if you dont like what i have to say them shove it i just already told you how to bypass restricted site see how simple i sounds and it is simple ok you peeps should stop begging and start experamenting and doing bassically if you dont know dont wait for me or someone else to tell you figure it out geez and ull give you a heads up for getting someone xp password your gonna need a bootable cd im not tell you anmore i think youve gotten the hint research because your way would probally be the best way k that it do some F#@k!n Research

  16. when I disconected my keyboard, it said: “Doesn’t detect the motherboard PLEASE press ENTER to continue” what must I do?

  17. Hey guys! I can do the command prompt thing and password change at my school, but I want a way to see other peoples passwords, like admin passwords, not change them.

  18. In command prompt- you can’t see the people’s passwords. Furthermore, you can’t change a limited account to and administrator without accessing the administrator account. You can create limited accounts or administrator accounts using other methods, but any good school will have every loop hole blocked. As many others have said before- try moving to newer methods.

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