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Thank you, Stig

Yesterday, Stig Hackvän noticed my USB wifi card dongling from my Thinkpad. When I explained that I’d manage to bend the pins in the laptop’s pc card slot, he offered to fix it.

Last night, he showed up with his tool belt and head-mounted flashlight and spent an hour and a half disassembling my computer into piles off silicon molecules on the right, plastic molecules on the right, and bent pins in front. And then he reassembled the molecules into a fully working computer

What a combination of skills! Fine motor control is just the start. He worked with a patience and focus you don’t get to see that often. A laptop is a series of puzzles, each of which he solved. And best of all, there was no screw left over at the end.

I am equally impressed and grateful. Thank you, Stig.

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2 Responses to “Thank you, Stig”

  1. Here’s a pic:

  2. That’s not all he fixed. I was walking through the parking lot at midnight on Friday, and Stig was outside his van, busy fixing one of our wooden chairs!

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