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[FOO] Bittorrent

Bram Cohen who created Bittorrent, an efficient way to distribute large files, is explaining why he thinks that bittorrent won’t fall to lawsuits even though it’s widely used to distribute copyrighted movies and CDs. He says that it’s used too widely by large companies for legitimate reasons. And, he thinks, if they were to sue, they are likely to get a precedent they don’t want. (Here’s a FAQ.)

Someone asks if Bram designed it with legal considerations in mind. He says he was aware of the considerations but he really only considered the technical issues. He says that bittorrent happens to be bad if you want anonymity because, well, there is none.

He hasn’t done strict analysis, but he thinks about one in ten people leave their client running after the download completes, enabling them to continue serving bits to others.

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22 Responses to “[FOO] Bittorrent”

  1. Thanks for finding this for me, I was just starting to look for a file sharing program and I was afraid I would have to go with Kazaa. BitTorrent looks like a great program.

  2. DailyNotes/2003-10-13

    FooCamp: Closed – not allowed to blog? FooCamper ¤Î°ì¿Í Jeremy Zawodny ¤Ë¤è¤ë¤È¡¢ Apparently the first rule of Foo Camp is that you don’t blog about Foo Camp. Too late, I guess. I noticed that Dan linked there too and figured it was okay. Oh well…

  3. Let’s take a moment to reexamine that. What we’ve done here is create two variables. The first variable is in the Heap, and we’re storing data in it. That’s the obvious one. But the second variable is a pointer to the first one, and it exists on the Stack. This variable is the one that’s really called favoriteNumber, and it’s the one we’re working with. It is important to remember that there are now two parts to our simple variable, one of which exists in each world. This kind of division is common is C, but omnipresent in Cocoa. When you start making objects, Cocoa makes them all in the Heap because the Stack isn’t big enough to hold them. In Cocoa, you deal with objects through pointers everywhere and are actually forbidden from dealing with them directly.

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