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[FOO] How it works

200 of us crowd into a large room in the O’Reilly offices. It’s beginning to dawn on me that this whole compound is O’Reilly’s. It’s a new set of buildings with a parking lot in front and lawn and orchards behind. A family of deer – possibly animatronic – wander by during dinner.

Each one of us stands up and says three words about her/himself. The limit is inconsistently enforced by means of a gong. No surprise: this is a geeky crowd. Among the 200 self-descriptions there are a handful of big laughs including a couple that make an audible whooshing sound as they go over my head.

Then we are free to write topics onto 7-foot high boards with times and rooms on them. No panels! Birds of many feathers!

It is 8:30pm and we start spreading over the grounds, talking. One room has a guy with musical instruments made out of spare parts.The person who does the BMW movies site is letting people ride his Segway; I’m sitting at the spot, twenty feet in, where each rider says some variation of “Wow! I want one of these!” A guy is playing banjo a few feet away. People are standing around a small fire in a barrel on the patio; they and the people clustered around laptops are the only ones not looking at one another as they talk. The voice of the person next to you is backgrounded by the rustle of nearby of talk and laughter. It is, in short, what earthlings apparently call a party.

Geeks, Porta-potties and no Powerpoints. Does it get any better?

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10 Responses to “[FOO] How it works”

  1. Dear Mr. Weinberger – since I know you’re sensitive to particiapting in exclusive, limited attendance, hoidy toidy ego driven fan fests – could you please reveal to us the meaning of the term Foo – taken in the context of a member of Macromedia’s board?

  2. Although the first rule of FOO camp is that you do not talk about FOO camp – well, no one’s actually said that and Tim O’Reilly has said it’s ok to blog about it, but it’d be oh so much more glamorous if that were the rule and also if we actually stripped to the waist and pounded each other in the dirt at least I think so – I am willing to violate the trust placed in me in and reveal that FOO stands for Friends Of O’Reilly.

  3. FOO Camp

    I’m typing this from my dome set up in the orchard of the new O’Reilly Campus in Sebastapol. There’s about

  4. Marc, you’re thinking of Bohemian Grove (or Boho the Grove), just down the street.

  5. FOO Camp

    I’m typing this from my dome set up in the orchard of the new O’Reilly Campus in Sebastapol. There’s about

  6. FOO Camp

    I’m typing this from my dome set up in the orchard of the new O’Reilly Campus in Sebastapol. There’s about

  7. David Weinberger

    Co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto and author of Small Pieces, Loosely Joined. A couple of notes about the Friends of…

  8. It would be useful to add that the secretive and immensely powerful Bilderberg Group not only support ‘globalization’ but sees it ad an ESSENTIAL pre-cursor to their liberty-shattering ‘New World Order’.

    For more on the Bilderberg Group and its annual, secret and heavily-guarded Bilderberg Conferences, see:

    These meetings are attended by select members of the US and British politcal and financial elite, among others, and the decisions taken THERE annually decide what the world will think of America [and Britian] thereafter.

    There’s an excellent selection of other articles from the ‘New World Order Intelligence Update’ ( archived at and are also mirrored at

    Well worth reading for insight into how the world REALLY works [politics included1].

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