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I’ve been trying out Bloglines, an on-line, free aggregator. So far, it seems pretty good.

Unlike the other aggregators I’ve used, this one has no client software. You just got to their site and tell it which blogs you’d like to aggregate. Not a lot of options and preferences, but I’m pretty happy with its defaults. And for reasons I couldn’t really articulate, I seem to prefer to read my aggregated blogs in a browser than in a special client. But now we’re way down into the subrational.

Anyway, it seems to be worth a look…

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7 Responses to “Bloglines”

  1. Thanks for the great comments about Bloglines. We’re always looking for ways to improve the service; please let us know if you have any suggestions. Thanks!

  2. looks very cool! thanks…

  3. One thing I don’t understand about Bloglines: Its feeds are up to 24 hours behind the corresponding web pages. I’m assuming that Bloglines scrapes on its own limited schedule. But this means that I’m not getting my top value from an RSS reader: currency. I also have found that Bloglines tells me that some sites that clearly have RSS feeds don’t have them. I say all this because I hope they fix these things; I’d far rather read RSS feeds in a browser than in either a special client or an email client.

  4. The bloglines faq says that they update the feeds every hour.

    Try sending email to [email protected]. They’ve been very responsive and open.

  5. Bloglines aggregator

    A few people I trust have written that the Bloglines Web-based news aggregator works well.

  6. Hey, just saw this post — can’t *believe* that comments spam above! yikes. Anyways, at the risk of looking like more comments spam…I wanted to let you know about another online aggregator and get your feedback. MyWireService ( is still in beta testing. We think you’re news is in a browser, why shouldn’t your aggregator be too, plus learning a new app and downloading software is troubling for lots of newbies, so we aim to be the online aggregator ‘for the rest of us’. We have a category-based directory of feeds and feed packages based on interests to get your feet wet, but the big difference we have is that we just show the fresh news by default (you can view all sources in a list, but we think that view requires a lot of clicking and managing)…anyways, we’d love any “subrational” feedback you might have.

    (oh and we support opml import so you can get started quickly)

  7. I was a Bloglines user until I came across Waggr –

    Waggr is much simpler to use, and has a much more intuitive interface. I highly recommend it.

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