Tom Stewart on the Net Revolultion
[Written on Friday…]
Tom Stewart — the intellectual capital guy and editor of HBR — is giving the keynote at the DigitalNow conference. He says that although the Internet bubble has burst, the Net has indeed changed everything. He backs it up with examples from the business mainstream. Cool.
Tom points to four transformations:
1. Speed. We can buy whenever we want. We can communicate whenever we want. A faster economy challenges executives who have to make faster decisions.
2. “There’s no commerce like ecommerce.” E.g., Wyeth is saving 25% by buying electronically.
3. King Customer. A substantial shift in power from sellers to buyers largely because of the Internet.
4. Loosely Coupled organization. (This is what I call The Hyperlinked Organization.) The line between inside and outside is no longer clear. E.g., 90% oF products with Cisco’s name on it have never been touched by someone whose paycheck comes from Cisco.
The audience — heads of associations — absolutely needed to hear this message and responded to it enthusiastically.
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