White House Innovation Fellows
The White House is announcing the White House Innovation Fellows who are going to work on five projects.
Here are the projects:
1. RFP-EZ – twitter: @ProjectRFPEZ
Building a prototype process for federal agencies to source low-cost, high-impact solutions from innovative tech companies and startups.
2. My Gov – twitter: @ProjectMyGov #gov
Building a prototype that streamlines the 1,2000+ government/service websites, with more intuitive interfaces and the ability to accept feedback.
3. Open Data – Twitter: @ProjectOpenData #opengov
Open Data will continue the path set by NOAA’s release of data by further scaling the Health Data Initiative and releasing new databases in the energy, education, public safety, and nonprofit sectors
4. 20% Initiative – twitter: @ProjectTwenty
USAID-led project to transition from cash to electronic payments across public and private sectors. Aims: reducing corruption, improving safety, further opening the door to entrepreneurial innovation. (The name comes from the aim of getting 20% more bang per buck.)
5. Blue Button For America – twitter: @ProjectBlueBtn
Developing tools that enable individuals to utilize their own health records – current medications and drug allergies, claims and treatment data, and lab reports, etc. – to empower them to improve their own health and healthcare.
700 people have applied for the Fellowships. They’ll be announced on Thursday. The fellowships last for six months. The projects will combine the private and public sectors, and will be done in full public, with as much crowd participation as possible. (TechPresident has a good post about it.)