Trustworthy Everything
Ken Camp, the author of the excellent IP Telephony Demystified, has started a new blog and posts (on my recommendation, I’m happy to say) an email he sent to me about trustworthy computing. Here’s a snippet:
If we extrapolate trustworthy computing to it’s obvious extensions, don’t we move toward an Orwellian society of complete control and observation? Consider “trustworthy transportation” – your automobile, sensing rage at the pressure of your foot on the pedal, shuts off, thereby not allowing you to pass a car and avoid problems. “Trustworthy refrigeration” – Sensing overly high fat content in the inventory within, your net-connected refrigerator notifies your insurance carrier, who then raises your rates based on an unhealthy lifestyle. “Trustworthy photography” could ensure that the bathtub picture of a toddler immediately be reported to those in pursuit of child pornography rings.
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Gary Turner is talking about “little brother is watching you” over at
he says (I quote) “2003 is a perverse rendition of 1984 where we, the proles, happen to be the Thought Police and Big Brother rolled into one with our plague of weblogs, relentlessly reporting everything we see, do and think to the authorities every single day.”