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Halley’s Man

I’ve been reading Halley’s series in defense of the Alpha Male with, let’s say, mixed emotions. I love the writing. I admire her resuscitation of virtues that we’ve become afraid to acknowledge. But as at best an Omikron Male (my math scores pulled me down), I’m pretty durn uncomfortable with the throwback sex roles.

In other words, the series is working splendidly in a genre that itself needs resuscitating: scandalous writing.

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One Response to “Halley’s Man”

  1. After having shared your sense of discomfort, I found myself touched by Halley’s latest post. I blogged her praises today and caught flak for it from the usual feminist quarters. Perhaps I let myself get suckered. Halley’s writing can do that to a fella, I guess.

    I hadn’t thought of the “scandalous writing” aspect of it. You may have hit on something. A good context to apply to my future Halley-reads. Might keep me out of trouble.

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