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Scott Bradner

Scott Bradner, one of the people who crafted this Internet thing we know and love, has an excellent article on the striking absence of the user/customer in Sony’s and Microsoft’s dreams of living room dominance.

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One Response to “Scott Bradner”

  1. MSFT and Sony are bigger players than most (but so was AOL, which made a few bonehead moves in the past 2 years), yet it does seem to be a failing throughout much of the tech industry that products get driven by things some brilliant geeks can dream of and create.

    But taken to the extreme, too often they are the equivalent of the modern version of the old stereotypical geek’s pocket protector: does the job but there’s not exactly a growing demand for it.

    What happened to the old quaint notion of market research, done before products roll out?

    Run the grand dreams by the consumer base and see what perks their ears up. The smartest technology diagnosis tool is still the human ear.

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