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Giving in to Temptation

Here’s a devilishly well-edited clip of Bush giving a fiendish State of the Union address. Pick your video format:

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5 Responses to “Giving in to Temptation”

  1. Heh. The cuts to the audience are a little too quick and happen too often (for obviously apparent reasons), but otherwise, pretty impressive. Reminds me of a flexidisc record we had at my college radio station lo! these many years ago that did a very similar thing to Ronald Reagan, except that it made him sound more incoherent than evil. Wish I could find a copy of that somewhere nowadays….

  2. Bloody brilliant! Thanks David.

  3. I’m blown away.

  4. Thanks for brightening my day. Haven’t heard something like that in ages.

  5. how does something like that make people so happy? if you really think that’s what america is like, then you would be trying to overthrow such an evil, murderous dictator instead of just making jokes about it. why focus on the bad when you could at least recognize the good, such as the ideas about money for AIDS victims in africa and hydrogen cars … i guess i dont really see the point.

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