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Dialing for No War

Chipster passes along the following:

The Bush White House has an “opinion” line for you to call. So call and give your opinion of the proposed war in Iraq. The line only accepts calls from 9-5 EST., Monday thru Friday. Just call the White House at 202-456-1111. A machine will detain you for only a moment and then a pleasant live operator will thank you for saying “I oppose” or “I approve.” It will only take minutes. Note that the weekends are closed for calls. The president has said that he wants to know what the American people are thinking. Let him know. Time is running out.. Then please forward this e-mail to at least five people right away.

Tell them what you think: 1 PHONE CALL EQUALS 10-20 PEOPLE WHO DIDN’T CALL,

Deborah Marie, OP
Dominican Sisters

I haven’t been able to get through because the line has been busy all afternoon (yay!), but Google confirms that that is the White House comment line.

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One Response to “Dialing for No War”

  1. Someone passed this along to me about a week ago and, like you, I’ve called numerous times, only to get “All our operators are busy with other callers…” I’ve stayed on the line for about 5 minutes each time and have yet to get through. So it’s not ‘a machine’ that’s taking the calls and it doesn’t ‘detain you for only a moment.’

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