[lodlam] Topics for Day 2
Here are the sessions people are proposing for the second day of the LODLAM conference in Montreal:
Getty Vocabulary goes open
Linked data on mobiles, wearable devices
Do cool things with the data sets that you have on your laptop – let’s build stuff!
Your tools and solutions
NLP for linked open data for libraries, archives, and museums. Data extraction, taxonomy alignment, context extraction, etc.
World War I in LOD
LOD and accessibility & assistive devices
The Pundit software package
the KARMA mapping tool
Tools and techniques for generating concordances between people
Why Schema.org?
Copying and synching linked data
FRBR and other standards [couldn’t hear]
How to create a new generation of LOD professionals. Getting students involved in projects.
The future of LODLAM
Normalizing ata models and licensing models
The official list is here.