Skipping Ideas
I was supposed to be doing the closing keynote at the Ideas conference in NYC tomorrow — which looks like an excellent conference — but I’m in Day Two of a miserable sore throat, ear ache, head ache beat down. I had been hoping it was going to be a one day illness, but I woke up way worse than I felt yesterday.
So I’ve regretfully told the conference I’m not going to make it. I just can’t visualize dragging myself down to the train station and making the trip. I feel like, well, crap.
I hate doing this. And it’s probably not a genuine health issue…it’s not like if I travel, I’ll die. It’s just discomfort, and maybe a slightly longer recuperation although I’m not convinced that that’s the case. So maybe I should just suck it up and go to the train station. But, the thought of 3.5 hours of head rattling, even in the relative comfort of a train, fills me with anxiety.
So, I guess I’m not going. I’m sure the conference will be splendid without my closing comments. Think of it as my gift of more hallway time.
Categories: Uncategorized dw