Fair Use worth more than copyright
“The Computer and Communications Industry Association — a trade group representing Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo, among others — has issued a report (PDF) that finds fair use exceptions add more than $4.5 trillion in revenue to the U.S. economy and add more value to the U.S. economy than copyright industries contribute. “Recent studies indicate that the value added to the U.S. economy by copyright industries amounts to $1.3 trillion.”, said CCIA President and CEO Ed Black. The value added to the U.S. economy by the fair use amounts to $2.2 trillion.”
It’s the sort of report that: a) shows that economics is to the right of statistics in the chain that begins with “lies, damn lies…” b) I choose to believe. (Note: I recognize I lack competency to actually evaluate the report.) [Tags: fair_use copyright ]
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