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Everything Is Miscellaneous: The blog

The beta of the blog for my book, Everything Is Miscellaneous (which is released on May1), is up in beta. The blog is about the ways we’re pulling ourselves together now that we’ve blown ourselves to bits (digitally that is, not through evil Lite-Brite boards). (You can get there via, too, so don’t send me your carpal-tunnel bills!)

The site’s been up for a while in stealth beta mode. As you’ll see, some of it just doesn’t work: There are no samples yet, I’ve only started to build the bibliography (in, the forum is under-formatted, etc. And the posts are mainly cross-posts from this blog. (Thanks to BradSucks for doing the work behind the scenes to get the tech up and running.)

I’d love to have your suggestions about how I can make it better. [Tags: ]

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