January 24, 2007
10 questions about the State of the Union?
In no particular order:
1. What were Cheney and Pelosi chewing on during the talk? Tic-Tacs? Altoids? I can understand that Cheney needs a constant supply of mints because of his sulfurous breath — he’s actually 40% oil at this point, and has an internal coal fire that’s been smouldering since 1973 — but couldn’t Pelosi have refrained while she’s sitting behind the president?
2. How pathetic is it that after seven years in office, it’s news that Bush actually uttered the phrase “global climate change”? Maybe we can lubricate his jaw enough to say “I made a mistake” by the end of his term. Nah, not gonna happen.
3. During the now-standard despicably-explicit propaganda portion of the spech when the president does shout-outs to ordinary-but-heroic citizens, what political genius decided to have Bush honor two multi-millionaires? Yes, all you need to be is 8 feet tall,incredibly coordinated, and way rich, and you too can be noticed by the president.
4. Why did the standing ovations among the Democrats start from the back and slowly roll forward? If they started in the front, I could see why the back rows would stand in sequence. Do the Dems have eyes in the backs of their heads?
5. When Bush says he’s cut the national deficit in half three years ahead of plan, is there any doubt that he’s hoping we’ll instead hear that he cut the national debt in half? The deficit is simply how much is added to the debt. The debt is still at the obscene, generation-killing height his tax cuts and his war pushed it to. Further, he doesn’t include the massive borrowing from Social Security in his calculation of the deficit. See zfacts for an explanation.
6. How does a coward who used his privileged Daddy to get out of serving his country have the chutzpah to salute the bravery of our troops? Does Bush even recognize his lack of standing on this much issue, much less that he ought to be offering to do KP duty for these folks for the first ten years after he leaves office?
7. Why were the Dem candidates so timid in their responses? There’s no need to give this guy a chance. We already did that and look where it’s gotten us.
8. Why is it suddenly time to balance the budget when the Dems control Congress? The Republican Congress gets to spend like money is no object — tax cuts for the rich, earmarks to curry favor back home, hundreds of billions to lose a war — but as soon as the Dems come into power, it’s suddenly time to make the hard, unpopular decisions.
9. What’s up with our representatives scrambling to get the president’s autograph? Jeez! What next? Are they going to show up with trick-or-treat bags?
10. How great was Jim Webb’s response?
[Tags: politics bush sotu iraq economy chutzpah cheney pelosi]