January 3, 2007
Sick as a dog, but my heart’s ok (OR: what are the symptoms of hypochondria?
I went to the clinic today after two days of minor chest discomfort – occasional twinges – that then gathered some jaw pain, and then a wicked headache and nausea. But the ekg says my heart is fine. The rest of the symptoms are of a very nasty bug going around. I feel like crap – and believe me, I’m a moaner (because I’m a man)- but I’m not as scared as a few hours ago. I knew my symptoms were not strong infarction symptoms, but I was still more worried about looking like a nervous nellie than about being a dead nellie. Did I mention I’m a man?
So, I’m blogging this while chilled feverish, thankful that we can afford the outlandishly expensive insurance that let’s me pop down to a clinic for a little ekg and blood work.
So, if this post makes no sense – am I writing this in Klingon?
– blame it on the virus, or possibly Dick Cheney…