DOEP (Daily Open-Ended Puzzle) (Intermittent): Reframing the news
Posted on:: September 26th, 2006
Here are the lead articles from USA Today, and their evil twin reframings.
Original | Reframed |
Liquids not as risky as first feared: TSA will allow air travelers to carrry items onto planes | TSA challenges terrorists: Bet you can’t bring down a plane with just 3-oz bottles of liquid! |
Do thin models warp girls’ body image? Even the fashion industry concedes that gaunt is not good. But can an unhealthy trend be reversed? | Adding insult to injury: Fashion industry says to world’s starving “And you’re ugly, too” |
Your open-ended challenge: Reframe one of today’s headlines.
(By the way, if you’re wondering why I’m doing these quizzes instead of actual blogging, I am heads down revising my book, so I’m feeling sort of pressed. Plus, for the past couple of days I’ve been at meetings I’m not allowed to blog about.) [Tags: doep puzzles]
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