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Reading and libraries: Two notes


I can’t wait until we’re all reading on e-books. Because they’ll be networked, reading will become social. Book clubs will be continuous, global, ubiquitous, and as diverse as the Web.

And just think of being an author who gets to see which sections readers are underlining and scribbling next to. Just think of being an author given permission to reply.

I can’t wait.


Right now, we have a single knowledge — the world is either one way or another — and multiple libraries.

As we put our works on line, we’ll only need one library and will have multiple knowledges.

Why have more than one library when you can link to and aggregate whatever you need? Oh, the library will be distributed and portions will be replicated for safety’s sake — we will have learned something from Alexandria — but that’s just an implementation “detail.” When all our works are digitized, a local library will be nothing but a playlist. [Tags: ]

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