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Elizabeth Holtsman: Impeach Bush

Elizabeth Holtzman, who was on the House Judiciary Committee during Nixon’s impeachment — ah, memories! — systematically goes through the reasons to impeach Bush now. A snippet:

At the time, I hoped that our committee’s work would send a strong signal to future Presidents that they had to obey the rule of law. I was wrong.

Like many others, I have been deeply troubled by Bush’s breathtaking scorn for our international treaty obligations under the United Nations Charter and the Geneva Conventions. I have also been disturbed by the torture scandals and the violations of US criminal laws at the highest levels of our government they may entail, something I have written about before.

These concerns have been compounded by growing evidence that the President deliberately misled the country into the war in Iraq. But it wasn’t until the most recent revelations that President Bush directed the wiretapping of hundreds, possibly thousands, of Americans, in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) — and argued that, as Commander in Chief, he had the right in the interests of national security to override our country’s laws — that I felt the same sinking feeling in my stomach as I did during Watergate.

In addition to his deserving it, we ought to impeach Bush just to let history know that we took his abuses seriously. (Here’s a scenario for how it might happen.)

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