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Westchester to register Wifi users

Via David Isenberg, via Aldon Hynes: Westchester County, NY, has a proposed law that could go into effect “early next year.” According to an article at

The draft proposal offered this week would compel all “commercial businesses” with an open wireless access point to have a “network gateway server” outfitted with a software or hardware firewall . . . The proposed law has two prongs: First, “public Internet access” may not be provided without a network gateway server equipped with a firewall. Second, any business or home office that stores personal information also must install such a firewall-outfitted server even if its wireless connection is encrypted and not open to the public. All such businesses would be required to register with the county within 90 days.

Ah, yes, who better to be your network architect than the Westchester County government? [Tags:]

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