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Finding the humans

My old friend Paul English makes it onto the front page of The Boston Globe today (yeah, I know we’re not supposed to care any more) for a service on his site: He lists how you break through the phone automation to reach the human operators at 100+ companies.

(To me the real news is that Paul is 42. Forty two! And not in any “the meaning of life” way. Wasn’t he just 28? And when Doc writes “It’s November, dammit. Wasn’t it just March or someting?,” I want to reply: “November’s not a problem, Doc. 2005 is a problem. Wasn’t it just 1983?” Ah, yes, an old fogey response…but not as olg-fogey-ish as the conversation I had with my lovely mother-in-law this summer in which we tried to remember exactly how many hip replacements she’s had.)

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