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22 hours of hunger

I’m fasting for Yom Kippur, although as always I don’t know why. And, as always, I’m amazed at how little it takes to knock me out – how narrow the parameters are, as David Isenberg said this morning.

I’ll eat in about four hours. Within seconds of eating some bread, my headache will go away and I will cease to feel that the beam of my attention has narrowed to 3 inches wide and five seconds long.

I’m very lucky.

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8 Responses to “22 hours of hunger”

  1. A little entertainment for your fast:

    My thoughts on Squidgy

  2. That’s a similar lens concept to Seth Godin’s Squidoo.

  3. Read the whole debate here

  4. Here’s the difference: 22 hours (? How’d you manage that? Kol Nidre was at 6 and Ne’ilah finished at 7:20 the next day) of hunger is tough; 26 hours of critical reflection on one’s life in relation to the community and the world is uplifting and rejuvenating.

    A “git gezunt yur” to all members of the tribe.

  5. Mark, I wrote the post at 3:30 or so. We stopped eating at 5:30 the night before. 22 hours at that point. The shofar blew at 6:49pm, and about 3 mins later we broke our fast.

    Yes, I understand that there is a world of difference between spending the day in shul and spending until 2pm putting in a day’s work. I just can’t bring myself to spend the incredibly tedious day worshipping a G-d who, if He exists, I’m pretty angry at.

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