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Goodbye Epson. Hello Canon.

I’ve gone through five (5) Epson CX5200 and CX5400s in the past 2.5 years or so. They just keep breaking. In a variety of ways. And I don’t do that much printing.

So, when my latest CX5400 printer died, I decided to switch, after decades of being an Epson customer, to Canon. I now have a Canon MP780 multifunction printer and scanner. (From NewEgg, btw.)

One problem so far: The software doesn’t recognize that the system has a sheet feeder for the scanner. That doesn’t much matter to me, but it’s a bad sign.

Does anyone have any reliable, cheap-ish suppliers of Canon-brand ink? And any experience with off-brand ink that didn’t result in your junking the printer or your walls being painted with unintentional CYMB spin art? [Tags: ]

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3 Responses to “Goodbye Epson. Hello Canon.”

  1. staples house brand

    Costco for bulk

  2. David,

    I use

    Good prices and great service. Caters to pros, but I know there’s a budding graphic designer in you just waiting to get out!



  3. My theory about ink-jet printers: if you don’t use them often, then you are likely to have problems with the ink drying up in the jets. Therefore, pick a model where the jets are included in the cartridge.

    I had an Epson where this was not true, and an HP where it is true, but it may depend on which model…

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