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Burmese filtering

The Berkman Center has released the latest in its series of reports on what countries are keeping their citizens from seeing on the Net. The new report is on Burma. [Tags: ]

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5 Responses to “Burmese filtering”

  1. Thanks. That was interesting, particularly the summaries on the other countries listed. It’s good to be reminded every now and then of just how much freedom we currently enjoy in the West. Really no reason not to take the most advantage of it.

  2. Good you title it “burma” – and not the offical junta name !!

    My old man hauls fr over there- and I can’t visit that country under present circumstances !

    Burmese folks have an iron fist coiled around their throats and jus b’coz its so poor- other nations have no vested interests in seeing democracy flourish there.

    There was a recent coup attempt by the warring fractions. Msm never even broadcast this !!

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