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Latest Juicy Fruit stupidity

Juicy Fruit’s “blog” continues in it’s inane way. Now on the right is a “game”: How long can you hold down your mouse button. No, I’m not making it up. The winners have topped out the odometer at 99 days, 99 hours, 99 minutes and 99 seconds, which makes me think there’s a little bug in the software.

My favorite fun fact about the holding-down game: I held my mouse down for one second and was told “You held it 30% longer than everybody.” Say wha’?? [Tags: ]

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One Response to “Latest Juicy Fruit stupidity”

  1. At least B.J. Novak knows he doesn’t have a real blog.
    “I’ve been keeping a blog here about The Office for four weeks now, and it is time to come clean. This is not a real blog. A real blog is updated at random times at the whim of the writer. A real blog has a place for people to leave comments. A real blog does not involve an editor from calling you and asking, “Hey, man, how’s your blog coming along?”

    I’ll reintroduce this then. This is a weekly article about what it’s like to work at The Office. I can’t tell if people have been bothered by this — after all, there’s not a space for comments, since it’s not a real blog — but I’ve been self-conscious about it.”

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