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The Bush Notes

The Reuters photo of President Bush scribbling a note to Condi in the UN asking for a bathroom break is just the first.

Real Bush note
Real photo. Click for the bigger picture

Here are the other notes they caught on film.

Fake Bush note
Fake Bush note
Fake Bush note
Fake Bush note

Please feel free to contribute your own cheap shots.

It turns out that the person who took the photo didn’t know what it said until Reuters enlarged it.

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7 Responses to “The Bush Notes”

  1. Got some more Bush’s notes here as well! :)

  2. Hmmmm how about:

    “Who are all these people and when is nap time?”

  3. Funny. Although I thought the undoctored photos on their own told a pretty funny tale to begin with:



  4. Gaorge Bush – o refugiado

    ImustGo By a t r i u m. O presidente norte-americano não tem ‘boa imprensa’ na Europa. Até há algum tempo atrás, a benevolência (marcada ainda pelo 11 de Setembro) da comunicação social interna ajudava a mitigar a situação….

  5. George Bush – o refugiado

    ImustGo By a t r i u m. O presidente norte-americano não tem ‘boa imprensa’ na Europa. Até há algum tempo atrás, a benevolência (marcada ainda pelo 11 de Setembro) da comunicação social interna ajudava a mitigar a situação….

  6. And you can even buy t-shirts now:

  7. When you gotta go you gotta go.

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