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Web of Ideas: Wednesday at 6:30 with David Isenberg

We’re set: The first in this year’s Web of Ideas discussion series at the Berkman Center will be this Wednesday, 6:30-7:45. David Isenberg will be our guest. We’ll be talking about how to preserve and extend our Freedom to Connect. It’s open to anyone and, yes, there will be pizza. [Map]

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2 Responses to “Web of Ideas: Wednesday at 6:30 with David Isenberg”

  1. Double David Duo … whoa … I’ll have to make the Berkman scene tonight.

    I’ve got a bad case of Berkmania.

    Don’t worry Weinberger, I won’t be feisty, opinionated, fresh, flirty or foul-mouthed … well … come to think of it … maybe I will be … let’s just see what mood I’m in.

  2. POD-cast, POD-cast, POD-Cast…

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