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Live blogging the Roberts hearings, and USAID funding a Gaza blog

Matt Margolis and Tom Goldstein are live-blogging the Roberts Senate hearings. Mark Tapscott talks about why this matters. (Found via Memeorandum.) [Tags: ]

The US Agency for International Development is funding a blog about the Gaza disengagement. USAID is an “independent federal government agency” that “supports long-term and equitable economic growth and advances U.S. foreign policy objectives,” according to its About page. The blog aims at providing “minute by minute information on Israel’s disengagement from the Gaza Strip.” (Thanks to Hanan Cohen for the link.) [Tags: ]

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3 Responses to “Live blogging the Roberts hearings, and USAID funding a Gaza blog”

  1. The posters to the Gaza Disengagement blog are “DSS, OCHA, and UNRWA.” These are not people; they are agencies.

    UNRWA is the “United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East”.

    OCHA is the “United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs”

    I can only guess that DSS is the “Defense Security Services”, part of the DoD.

    I wonder just who is receiving the USAID funds?

    Remember when reading this blog that USAID “advances U.S. foreign policy objectives”.

  2. Gaza blog. Fascinating.

  3. We wanted to know how and in what areas you fund Non governmental organisations (NGO).

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