Joho the Blog » Are Podcasts the death of potato chips?
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Are Podcasts the death of potato chips?

The Berkman Center has a new rule for lunchtime sessions that are being podcast: No potato chips will be served.

Apparently, last year the sounds of bags opening and chips crunching drowned out the conversation.

What’s next? No slurpy soda drinking? No rustling from corduroy-shod thighs?

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3 Responses to “Are Podcasts the death of potato chips?”

  1. …to say nothing of the chat-chat-chattering of laptop keyboards from bloggers in attendance!

    Banning junk food… Then maybe laptops… I’m starting to re-think your invite now!! (j/k)

  2. I think people that eat noisy food, or open noisy packages while people are trying to talk/listen are rude. Eat quieter foods wrapped in some kind of soft wrap that doesn’t crinkle — is that too difficult?

  3. Am I the only one to find the phrase “rustling from corduroy-shod thighs” strangely exciting?

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