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Join AT&T’s CTO for two (2) discussions at Harvard

Dr. Hossein Eslambolchi, AT&T’s CTO and holder of 700 patents, is coming to Harvard to give a talk this Wednesday, at 11-12, in the Maxwell Dworkin Building (map), Lessin Auditorium (G115). At 2:30 2:15, he’s going to come to the Berkman Center (map) for an informal discussion. I’m moderating it and I plan on asking him about his critique of the End to End architecture of the Internet. Both events are open to the public.

See you there!

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2 Responses to “Join AT&T’s CTO for two (2) discussions at Harvard”

  1. Can you give a reference where his critique has appeared? Thanks.

  2. This was his theme at Supernova. He also talks about it in a videoblog in which I interviewed him:

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