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The future of blogs (Nightmare version)

Wow. JuicyFruit shows us decisively what blogs aren’t. [Tags:]

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4 Responses to “The future of blogs (Nightmare version)”

  1. Arrgh, the pain, the pain!

  2. Nobody deserves that. Their agency owes them a big appology. The sad thing is that now JuicyFruit is going to conclude that blogging is worthless. (Even though they’re not really blogging)

  3. My eyes! They’re burning!

  4. Look on the bright side (pun accidental, but it seems so appropriate that I’m going to leave it); it could have been much worse.

    At least it’s blatantly obvious that this is just advertising dressed up; the ad-man is just casting his message in the medium of the day. One could object that this sort of thing is the start of the slippery slope towards Total Moral Decline, but to my mind it’s just part of how things inevitably evolve.

    Now, if they were instead trying insidiously to pass their spiel off as something unbiased … that would be far more worrying.

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