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Free meds for Katrina victims

Until September 16, Pfizer is offering free prescriptions for people affected by Katrina. This is the message they sent to Britt Blaser:

From: Huw Gilbert
Subject: Pfizer Katrina Relief
Date: September 8, 2005 3:40:44 PM EDT Britt, We are trying to get the information below out as widely as possible. Would you be willing to find a way put it on Escapable Logic and/or New York Done Right? The information below is on our site here. Thanks!!! Hurricane Katrina Survivors: Visit a nearby pharmacy to receive an emergency supply of your Pfizer medicines. Victims of Hurricane Katrina who have lost access to their Pfizer medications can receive an emergency supply at any Walgreens, Rite Aid, Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club or CVS pharmacy. From now until September 16th, Pfizer and these pharmacies are helping survivors obtain their Pfizer medicines. No matter where patients may be residing, if they are from the affected areas, they can go to any Walgreens, Rite Aid, Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club or CVS pharmacy and ask the pharmacist for help. Many independent community pharmacies will also be participating. Patients without prescription drug coverage will get their medicines for free. Pfizer and our partners will continue to do all we can to support the efforts of healthcare providers in the area. We are expediting donations of our medicines to relief organizations and local hospitals, and we urge any hurricane victims who do not have their Pfizer medications to contact or visit a pharmacy right away to receive an emergency supply during these difficult days. For more information, please visit a nearby pharmacy.

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2 Responses to “Free meds for Katrina victims”

  1. Free meds for Katrina victims

    Free meds for Katrina victims

  2. Kudos to Pfizer! I hope September 16th. gives those displaced by Katrina enough time to get what they need.

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