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Being Poor

Now that Katrina has surfaced the poor that have dropped from the national conversation — Didn’t the Clinton welfare bill take care of that problem? — John Scalzi lists some of what it means to be poor. And then there are lots and lots of comments and stories. (Thanks to Kevin for the link.) [Technorati tags:]

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5 Responses to “Being Poor”

  1. Being Poor

    Being Poor

  2. Kevin (Marks, right?) and I both hang out at Making Light, where I first saw the Scalzi item (in real life, Teresa and Patrick are editors for John’s publisher, where I first saw this today.

  3. Whoops–that should read:

    Kevin (Marks, right?) and I both hang out at Making Light, where I first saw the Scalzi item (in real life, Teresa and Patrick are editors for John’s publisher), where I first saw this today.

    Note the closing paren in bold.

  4. I hate posting self links, but it is relevant to the discussion. All the talk about ‘looters’ and questions about why people didn’t just leave when they had the chance were driving me mad…so I finally revealed some of my childhood experience online in a significant way. Considering I’m a web old-timer… well part of me feels… exposed. But it has been so infurating and painful to hear and watch.

    Here it goes.

  5. ohh… look. the poor little hurricane victims. We “failed” to do anything because our rescue helicopters were shot at, our volunteers were cussed at and spat upon, perfectly good food was turned away because it wasn’t Mc. Donald’s or burger king. these people are rude, slimy, disgusting, and filthy snobs.

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