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Map of the Net

CAIDA has a map of two weeks of Internet traffic, explained here.

The graph reflects 926,201 IP addresses and 2,000,796 IP links (immediately adjacent addresses in a traceroute-like path) of topology data gathered from 22 monitors probing approximately 865,000 destinations spread across 77,678 (50% of the total) globally routable network prefixes.

We then aggregate this view of the network into a topology of Autonomous Systems (ASes), each of which approximately maps to an Internet Service Provider (ISP).

I don’t really understand it, but it sure is purty. [Technorati tags:]

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One Response to “Map of the Net”

  1. “Ver” a net

    0504_NetTraffic_w By a t r i u m. A Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) apresentou uma imagem macroscópica da net durante duas semanas – de 4 a 17 de Abril deste ano – resultante do cruzamento de…

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