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Blocking emergency radio

A group has been trying to set up a low-power radio station in the Astrodome to broadcast emergency information, job offerings, lost children, etc. Every obstacle has been put in their way. They were required to hand out 10,000 radios. They did. They were told there wasn’t enough electricity. They brought in their own batteries. FEMA still won’t allow them to broadcast. Sounds ridiculous to me. [Technorati tags:]

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6 Responses to “Blocking emergency radio”

  1. Blocking emergency radio

    Blocking emergency radio

  2. Not surprising, given what else is going on relative to blocking information by federal authorities.

  3. Sounds like another bogus story where you haven’t heard all the details. Do people really think that FEMA is trying to get in the way where ever possible. Come on guys, this obviously one more attempt to shed blame from the real problem which was the local leaders failure to prepare for this event that was bound to happen.

  4. And is this story bogus as well?

    The implications of the news (or the blocking/cleansing of news) of the aftermath is truly frightening, yet completely consistent with everything else that some of us have come to expect from the current political environment in your once great country.

  5. David: “FEMA still won’t allow them to broadcast. Sounds ridiculous to me.

    FEMA sounds ridiculous to you? You are not trying very hard to stand out from the crowd, are you? ;-)

    Someone else: “Sounds like another bogus story where you haven’t heard all the details.

    Another bogus story? As in, you have concrete evidence of at least two other stories about FEMA that were perpetuated by somebody of David’s caliber and that turned out to be bogus? I’d like to see proof of that.

    Do people really think that FEMA is trying to get in the way where ever possible.

    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you will at least have to entertain the possibility that it is a duck.

    As they say, never suspect malice where gross incompetence would explain the same set of facts. Gross incompetence is still prosecuted and tried like malice, though. Are you going to hold Michael Brown’s hand when he is in jail?

  6. well- were about to find out when rita hits the texas gulf coast if fema is such a x;aljado as everybody said

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