Joho the Blog » My first $50 tank of gas
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My first $50 tank of gas

I’m just so proud that I had to hang on my blogwall:

$50 gas receipt

Yes, yes, I know this is hardly news to people outside of America or to those so deeply into America that they drive a Hummer or other armored civilian transport vehicle. But for our Volvo (“The Car that Cluetrain Bought”), it’s just a special moment.

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8 Responses to “My first $50 tank of gas”

  1. Dude, it’s $3.55 out here in Western MA. I’m filling up the tank in Ludlow tomorrow when I drive to Cambridge… And nice to know that The Car that Cluetrain Bought has a larger gas tank than The Truck that Tripod Bought.

  2. I had the same thing on Saturday ( at $3.79 per gallon I ended up with $53.74. This is the price for premium in Rockville, Maryland (at my cheap station). Today I saw $3.79 for regular on my way home. The word hybrid is sounding beautiful these days and hydrogen is even sweeter.

  3. You know, if we didn’t have gasoline and real estate, we’d have nothing to talk about at all.

  4. In Europe, gas is from 5 to 8$ per gallon but they drive smaller and more fuel-efficient cars. While the average light duty vehicle on US highways gets 21.6 miles per gallon (m.p.g.), according to a study by the Paris based International Energy Agency (IEA), its European counterpart manages 32.1 m.p.g.

  5. In Europe, gas is from 5 to 8$ per gallon

    Our prices are currently going up because the USAn channel[1] is paying more for petrol – post-Katrina scarcity – so our channel has to pay more to compete, and of course they pass it on to us.

    Anyway, when I say ‘more’ I mean that three-digit displays are starting to appear (although the only one I’ve seen in use so far was for diesel, which goes for more than petrol). IOW, the price is nudging a pound a litre. Which works out at… er… which works out at what we economists call a hell of a lot. Probably nearer nine dollars/US gal than eight. I can reckon on doing about 500 miles on a full tank, on the other hand, so it’s all relative.

    [1] I guess it’s not called that when you’re not selling computers, but YKWIM.

  6. There are some international problems connected with gasoline and related products. When an elephant lives beside a mouse the mouse does not have much control of what he/she rightfully owns. USA citizens enjoy low fuel prices. Most of the oil Canada pumps out of the ground benefits the USA not Canada.It is pipelined to the USA. We own the stuff. It is pumped out of our territory and we pay more per unit than do citizens of the USA. It is not difficult to see that something is rotten in the state of ____________.

  7. Probably nearer nine dollars/US gal than eight

    Oops – actually it’s more like 6.50 – 7.00. Hardly anything…

  8. My dictionary defines blogging as a code word for professional Bull Sh++t

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