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Katrina images

Salon recommends this slide-show-with-music, although I actually found the Icelandic dirge sound-track offputting. But you’ll find the usual collection of amazements at Flickr, under the “hurricanekatrina” tag. It’s hard to pick just a couple, but here’s a view of the storm from on top and a view I hadn’t seen of the inside of a Hercules aircraft. My own preference is to view the tag as a slideshow, clicking through at my own speed. [Tag:]

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2 Responses to “Katrina images”

  1. Katrina images

    Katrina images

  2. Full agreement on the Icelandic dirge. But then I’m finding most underscores obnoxious. Passing a television set yesterday I noticed a woman and child, watching a segment on Oprah, in tears. A man refused to leave New Orleans without his dog. An Oprah segment producer was offering to help get the dog to some people in Baton Rouge. I cannot imagine the man had much to begin with, the dog being all he had left now. He was not going to abandon this dog. The segment, though hamfisted, was touching. It was very difficult, at the same time, to not allow the editorializing of the music to undermine what was in the end a very simple piece. Somewhere between the sentimentalism of a soft head/warm heart and the cynicism of hard head/cold heart lies the somethingism of a hard head/warm heart. Clicking through, determining the pace of the narrative, and adding one’s own soundtrack – be it the hum of the router or some accidental background music – seems ideal. An unmixing as opposed to a remixing.

    A piece of music with a little more anger in it worked for me with those images.

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